Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How to Use Examples of Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

How to Use Examples of Compare and Contrast Essay TopicsMost students find that it is impossible to write an essay without using examples of compare and contrast. They are a crucial part of the writing process, so understanding why they are used is critical to your writing. In this brief article, I will share some examples of compare and contrast essay topics.Contrast is a method by which one topic contrasts with another. You could use contrast in a number of ways. For example, you might use a contrast that involves a one-dimensional topic, such as 'how old is Ted.' Or, you might use contrast that describes two different aspects of a topic, such as 'how much does Ted love his mother?'The goal of contrast is to make a given subject interesting and relevant to another topic. This can be done in several ways. It can make the subject more real, or it can be done in a way that makes the subject interesting in the context of the whole.What are some examples of contrast? When students come to me for help, the most common example of contrast that they ask for is 'how old is my best friend?' An example of contrast could include, 'John loves his best friend John more than anyone else,' or 'Ted loves his best friend more than any other person in the world.'This means that a student might be asking, 'How old is my best friend, John?' Or, he might be wondering, 'What makes John my best friend?'Instead of giving a specific event that happened, we can use the contrasting events to show a main idea. This is the goal of the two examples of contrast: the main idea is made more clear in the two examples of contrast.So when students come to me, the most common question that they ask me is, 'How old is my best friend John?' This is a great example of contrast because John is the main focus of our entire essay.For most students, the best way to learn about compare and contrast essay topics is to find a lesson plan that teaches this technique. Look for an essay topic that deals with a relevant topic. Study the whole essay before you write it, so that you know how the essay will end.

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